Category: Natural World Tours

Greentours began from the desire of a number of travellers to look at a broader spectrum of wildlife – they often felt frustrated by the bird tours then on offer. Nowadays the variety of wildlife tours has risen almost exponentially. However the vast majority still concentrate on only one aspect of the natural world – birds, mammals, amphibians, flora… Tours selected here are particularly dear to our heart as they are tours that truly look at the whole spectrum of wildlife – from odonata to orchids, from gazelle to geastrums, and from nudibranchs to nuthatches….

Asia Australasia Natural World Tours

Whale Sharks, Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise and Wobbegongs

Raja Ampat

9th January - 21st January 2025 (13 days)

Americas Natural World Tours
Asia Natural World Tours

Mount Kinabalu and Sabah's Fabulous Rainforests


1st February - 18th February 2025 (18 days)

Middle East Natural World Tours
Americas Natural World Tours

Rainforests of Lacandon, Cloudforests of San Cristobal


12th February - 27th February 2025 (16 days)

Europe Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Asia Natural World Tours
Americas Natural World Tours
Africa Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Asia Natural World Tours
Europe Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Asia Australasia Natural World Tours
Europe Natural World Tours

Spili and the White Mountains


4th April - 18th April 2025 (15 days)

Europe Middle East Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Europe Middle East Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Europe Middle East Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Asia Europe Middle East Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Europe Natural World Tours
Americas Natural World Tours
Asia Natural World Tours
Asia Europe Middle East Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Americas Natural World Tours
Asia Europe Middle East Natural World Tours
Asia Europe Middle East Natural World Tours